up once again this year in Melilli, in
the eighteenth-century covent and garden
of the Capuchin Friars Minor, is the
traditional event called "THE LIVING
NATIVITY", with the following dates:
Thursday, December 26th, 2024 18,00
(6:00 PM)
Saturday, December 28th,
2024, 18:00 (6:00 PM)
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025, 18:00
(6:00 PM)
Monday, January 6th, 2025, 18:00
(6:00 PM)
idea of meaningful Christmas event that
around 150 people currently in
palestinian period costume (1st century)
can be seen in was born in the '90's to
Father Enrico ABRAMO, who in order the
keep to the young people of the
Franciscan Youth busy, wanted to present
to the people of Melilli the first
living nativity in history. made in
Greccio by Saint Francis of Assisi. The
first version of the Living Nativity
were made inside the cloister and than,
as each years has passed, there has been
a steady growth of scenes, costumes,
light and music.
The current Living Nativity represents
the "sitz im leben", the living
environment: arts, crafts, and customs
of the time in wich Jesus was born,
deliberately avoiding transpositions
with later periods or historical
mix-ups. The choise of fidelity to the
historical time of Jesus was rewarded
with the every growing number of visits
that last year saw the flood of around
30.000 people to the Living Nativity
from all over Sicily and beyond.
P.S. The
path has been made fit for use for the
handicapped either accompanied in
wheelchairs, who have priotity over